Wednesday, May 12, 2010

W16 - Discussion Question # 3

One concept in the book that I would’ve liked further discussion on is the chapter on leadership. The chapter discussed different leadership styles, necessary qualities of a good leader, leadership theories and small section on handling conflicts within the group as a leader. However, I strongly feel that a group is as strong as its leader and a leader has the potential to help a small group in meeting its goals and objectives or tear it apart, which is why I think so much more could have been covered. There was only about a paragraph about managing conflict and it did not really offer too much into what a leader can do to help solve conflicts within the small group dynamic. In addition, crossing over to the group feedback chapter with the different surveys, I would’ve liked to see more samples of different leadership surveys and feedback forms as well. Lastly, because leadership is important in my opinion, I think that the chapter could have been a bit longer and more in-depth.

1 comment:

  1. Hi GCL,

    I think you have a good point about leadership on how it has the potential to make a group. This idea made me think of some of the classes I took at SJSU. Normally, at the first day of the school I can already tell how the class would be like for the rest of the semester. Whether or not it is going to be a cohesive group or a group only cares about their own benefit. I think the professor of the class has a lot to do with how the group is going to be. If the professor is open and care about collaboration, I can tell that this group of students are going to be involve in each other’s works. If the professor values individual works, the class can never become a “team”.

